Dash for Navhind Times
Dash for Navhind Times is an Android App that is built using the MVP Architecture and Dagger2. The App is focused on giving a basic idea on how to use Retrofit, and Dagger2 together with a Clean Architecture.
Dash for Navhind Times is an Android App that is built using the MVP Architecture and Dagger2. The App is focused on giving a basic idea on how to use Retrofit, and Dagger2 together with a Clean Architecture.
Dash for Navhind Times is an Android App that is built using MVP Architecture and Dagger2. The Base of this Application is built on MaterialMasterDetail by Lucas Urbas, an Android sample of how to implement Master/Detail pattern that follows Material Design visual language.
Dash for Navhind Times uses OkHttp and Retrofit to access the Navhind Times API at "www.navhindtimes.in/wp-json/wp/v2/posts". The same Data is displayed in the Application. The Application is also conected to Firebase, that provides insight on app usage and user engagement.